

随着电气化交通和供暖,太阳能容量可能会飙升 随着电动汽车和热泵的广泛采用, 科罗拉多州成本最低的电网将达到 21 太阳能容量 GW, 12 风的GW, 和 7 存储 GW 2040, 而电价会下降. 这些建模结果也适用于其他州. 为科罗拉多州的大部分交通和供暖供电将使更多低成本的可再生能源接入电网, 从而降低该州所有消费者的每千瓦时成本, 和 [...]

能源存储增长缓慢但广泛 2019, 明年翻三倍

能源存储增长缓慢但广泛 2019, 明年翻三倍 对于电池电源, 这是部署量第五高的月份,而电池容量是第三高的月份. 研究小组指出 32% 上图中 19 年第二季度部署的兆瓦增长, while below they show 59% growth over the prior quarter in terms of megawatt-hours deployed. The 59% was driven by longer duration in front of the meter installations by utilities. Future projects have already signed much [...]

非洲有各种形状和大小的 PV 空间

非洲有各种形状和大小的 PV 空间 离网太阳能已成为整个非洲大陆光伏业务的重要组成部分, 现在正在向全球其他地区传播, 主要采用太阳能家用系统和微电网. 《光伏》杂志审视融资核心问题, 商业模式和对用户数据的追求. 非洲可能通过发展离网太阳能直接跨越到廉价电力的想法并不新鲜. And [...]


混合微电网的成功因素 谈到混合微电网, 法比安·巴雷茨基写道, Dhybrid Power Systems 高级业务开发和销售经理, the incorporation of various sources of energy and complex requirements for long-term stability of the energy supply require expertise and an effective energy management system. When we think of a microgrid, we typically think of an installation which relies on a few sources of energy and supplies relatively few consumers with electricity. We automatically think of isolated [...]


高山水坝上的垂直光伏电站 埃克斯波, 基于巴登的实用程序, 正在格拉鲁斯的 Muttsee 水库建造一个 2 兆瓦的设施, 瑞士。该电厂有望实现高水平发电, 尤其是整个冬天. 多项研究表明,建在山区的光伏系统即使在冬天也能产生大量电力。Axpo, 一家瑞士公司, 希望通过在 Muttsee 水库的坝墙上建造一座 2 兆瓦的发电厂来证明这一点, nearly [...]

SOLAR WILL AHEAD 提供 20% 更多输出 25% 降低模块成本 15 月份

SOLAR WILL AHEAD 提供 20% 更多输出 25% 降低模块成本 15 月份 光伏行业资深人士Karl-Heinz Remmers回顾太阳能这十年的发展轨迹,并预测未来十年的发展强于预期. The following years were heavy for the solar industry in Germany and the EU. Anti-dumping tariffs introduced in 2013 massively damaged the entire supply chain as governments were no longer prepared to subsidize what they considered excessively expensive solar power. [...]


哪里可以安装太阳能? 生活中哪些地方可以使用太阳能? 1 工业车间 通常, 厂房屋顶面积大且平坦, 适用于安装太阳能电池板. 由于电力负荷大, distributed solar grid-connected system can offset some of the electricity purchased through the network, thus saving users’electricity costs. 2 Commercial Buildings Shopping malls, hotels and other commercial buildings have many electrical equipment, such as air conditioning, elevators, lighting and so on. They belong to [...]

未来的单轴太阳能跟踪 30%

未来的单轴太阳能跟踪 30% NEXTracker 将其成功的 NX Horizo​​n 单轴跟踪器改进为坚固耐用的二合一 NX Gemini. 新设计开辟了曾经被认为太粗糙而无法开发以产生接近可比数量的电力的土地, while easing land use stresses. NEXTracker is launching a single-axis tracker, with two-in-portrait solar modules (2P) – the NX Gemini (pdf specification page). The product has been designed for developing solar power plants on sites “with challenging soils, [...]


商业屋顶将引领可再生能源的增长 尽管国际能源署最新的可再生能源报告预测太阳能将显着增加, 还是偷偷摸摸的感觉, 它提出了保守估计, and it is foreseeable to share costs with grid operators. According to the International Energy Agency, rooftop solar energy hasamazingpotential. The problem that the International Energy Agency (IEA), often accused of underestimating the possible contribution of renewable energy to the global energy mix, is [...]


双面太阳能已准备就绪 更好的系统经济性, 更高的能量输出, 更稳健的建模和现场数据正在推动对双面太阳能组件的需求. There is no doubt that bifacial modules are ready for their breakout role in the world of solar photovoltaic projects. By the dawn of 2020, there will be a cumulative 5.4 gigawatts of bifacial solar capacity installed globally, mostly in Asia, according to Power & Renewables focused on this market. In five years, there will [...]
