전기 운송 및 난방으로 태양열 용량이 급증할 수 있습니다.

전기 운송 및 난방으로 태양열 용량이 급증할 수 있습니다.

With wide adoption of electric vehicles and heat pumps, 콜로라도의 최소 비용 그리드는 21 태양광 용량 GW, 12 바람의 GW, 그리고 7 GW의 스토리지 2040, 전기 요금이 하락하는 동안. 이러한 모델링 결과는 다른 주에도 적용됩니다..

콜로라도에서 대부분의 운송 및 난방을 전기화하면 그리드에서 더 많은 저비용 재생 가능 에너지를 사용할 수 있습니다., 따라서 주 내 모든 소비자의 킬로와트시당 비용을 낮춥니다., and accelerating achievement of Colorado’s carbon reduction goals.
Solar capacity in Colorado (shown in red above) would soar to about 15 GW by 2030 그리고 21 GW by 2040, in an “electrification and decarbonization” scenario modeled by Vibrant Clean Energy, using its WIS:dom energy grid model. Also by 2040, storage with 8 hour duration would reach 7.4 GW (shown in yellow), and wind power would reach 12 GW (shown in green). The study was commissioned by Community Energy.

High levels of solar, wind and storage were facilitated in the model by flexible scheduling of both electric vehicle charging and heat pump operation. Flexible charging for vehicles was constrained to maintain round-trip commuting range, while flexible heat pump operation was constrained to keep building indoor temperatures within 1 degree of 72ºF. The modeling assumed that owners of electric vehicles and heat pumps would participate in flexible scheduling for a compensation of six cents per kWh.

Buildings were also modeled as having backup heating—either supplemental gas or electric heating—because air-source heat pumps lose efficiency on the very coldest days.

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