ソーラー パネルにより、羊と牛の牧草が増加 90%

ソーラー パネルにより、羊と牛の牧草が増加 90%

それはすべてベンジャミンについてです - そして太陽光発電はそれらを毎日少しずつ印刷するのに優れているようです.
オレゴン州立大学農業科学大学の研究者, 最近発表された、土壌水分に対する驚くべき農業の影響, 微気象学と水利用効率 (.pdf), 太陽電池モジュールの下にある複数の植物の成長への影響を測定しました. The analysis found that several key grazing grasses were able to significantly increase their output, and in total the researchers found that greater than 90% more biomass was grown in areas partially or fully covered by solar panels. The paper suggests it was mostly due to significantly increased water efficiency – 328%. This efficiency allows semi-arid regions, with a wet winter, to store more water in the ground, allowing for a longer growth during the growing season.

Significant research is being done on how to increase revenue strategically from solar power systems, and much like wind power, the ability to site solar power in ways that fossils simply cannot do is part of the magic. Onyx Solar is already replacement glass in buildings with solar modules, RGS Energy and Tesla are trying to replace shingles with solar modules, the Dutch are testing solar powered highway noise barriers, the Chinese, Dutch, French, and others are all testing solar roadways, and many are trying ways to integrate solar with food production – including in Massachusetts cranberry bogs, Chinese fish farms and vineyards, Japanese mushroom farms, Minnesota honey production and more.
MP successfully installed 2mw ground-mounted solar power station in Middle East. It made up of 6,061pcs solar panels. This installation has an estimated daily production of 9,273kwh.

